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A stylized image of a person in shadow looking at a phone, with people working and a cityscape in the background., digital transformation program.

Leading Your Organization’s Digital Transformation – 4-Day Training

Create actionable transformation strategies to make your leadership and your organization more innovative and more competitive.

  • Date

    November 4, 2024

  • Time

    8:30 AM – 4:30 PM ET

  • Length

    4 consecutive days

  • Format

    On Campus

  • Cost

    Programs fill quickly — free cancellation up to 14 days prior

  • Registration Deadline

    October 27, 2024

Training Course Overview

Overview of Leading Your Organization’s Digital Transformation

To stay competitive in today’s economy, many organizations need to undergo an extensive upgrade into the digital world. The pathway to this successful digital shift is rarely clear or easy. But leaders with a greater understanding of what digital disruption means today will be empowered to invest their resources, time, and talent in ways that more effectively promote their organization’s long-term digital transformation.

The goal of this in-depth program is to provide you with insights into the models, methods, and networks you need to win in this digital era. You will gain tools to develop a comprehensive digital business plan that exploits your organization’s unique competitive advantages. You will learn how to identify the levers that make transformation effective, and you will explore appropriate strategies that can help make your people more innovative and your organization more competitive.

Who Should Register for Leading Your Organization’s Digital Transformation Training?

This program is ideal for leaders charged with managing products, teams, business units, or clients through a digital shift. It is ideal for—but not limited to—executives, directors, program managers, product owners, team leads, and mid-level managers. 

Leading Your Organization’s Digital Transformation will further your professional development if you are:

  • A leader seeking to understand how disruption may impact your industry and interested in learning new capabilities to drive your own organization’s digital renewal;
  • A sales manager seeking to develop product and market agility to meet rapidly changing customer behaviors and needs;
  • An operational team leader interested in exploring business models and innovative ecosystems driven by unique value propositions. 

All participants should have at least five to seven years of experience. Upon successful completion of the program, you will earn a Certificate of Participation from the Harvard Division of Continuing Education.

Benefits of Leading Your Organization’s Digital Transformation 4-Day Training

In this program, you will learn the strategic concepts and tactical skills you need to help your organization compete in today’s digital environment. You will master the frameworks and management tactics to drive successful transformation in your organization. 

Through the completion of this program, you will:

  • Understand what digital is today and how the concept of disruption works
  • Create a roadmap for digital transformation based on your organization’s DNA – those traits unique to your organization that allow you to incorporate new digital information into your business models
  • Build competitive advantage by designing a customer-facing digital strategy that supports customer values
  • Learn how to create Ecosystems of Value – global, digital networks that transform product and service innovations in a way that drives greater value
  • Use digital transformation KPIs to monitor the market, evaluate returns on investment, and assess new transformation opportunities
  • Determine the digital accelerators that enable your organization to learn and innovate more quickly in order to give you a competitive advantage over your competitors

“Pamela Rucker is phenomenal. … Her ability to unpack a complex subject like digital disruption and provide practical lessons that we could use immediately is unparalleled.” – Swapnil Deshpande, Chief Digital Officer, ThoughtWorks


The curriculum in this highly interactive four-day program explores practical solutions to the real-world challenges involved in creating and implementing digital transformation.

Through intensive group discussions and small-group exercises, you will examine four case studies of successful digital transformation: a Fortune 500 legacy firm, a mid-size firm, a service-based organization, and a non-profit. 

Through the analysis of these impactful case studies, you will explore topics such as:

  • How and when to change your business model to support your digital approach
  • Creating digital DNA patterns to support your business model at all stages of digital transformation
  • Identifying and exploiting your unique customer value proposition
  • Linking your digital approach to your organization’s capabilities
  • How new digital transformations shift industries to ecosystems
  • The critical role of ecosystems of value and comprehensive digital networks

November Schedule

Day 1

  • Understanding Disruption
  • Framing the Digital Challenge
  • The New Competitive Advantage

Day 2

  • Knowing When and How to Reinvent
  • Leading Digital Strategy
  • Leading Digital Change

Day 3

  • Digital Transformation Drivers
  • Understanding Digital Customers
  • Building Your Digital Business Strategy

Day 4

  • Developing Digital Models
  • Building Digital Networks
  • Using Your Digital DNA


  • Pamela Rucker

    Pamela Rucker

    Pamela is a featured speaker at CIO events in the United States, Canada, and Europe. She brings over 25 years of experience helping executives to understand their business drivers. Pamela earned a master's degree from Harvard University.

Certificates of Leadership Excellence

The Certificates of Leadership Excellence (CLE) are designed for leaders with the desire to enhance their business acumen, challenge current thinking, and expand their leadership skills.

This program is one of several CLE qualifying programs. Register today and get started earning your certificate.

Learn More


Why is it important for organizations to accelerate their digital transformation efforts?

The ongoing digital revolution is causing rapid shifts in the way we work. Organizations that cannot adapt will find themselves increasingly unable to stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing marketplace.

Yet, according to recent McKinsey survey data, most organizations that attempt digital transformation achieve less than one-third of the anticipated results. 

Strong financial performance is only one benefit of successfully implementing an effective digital strategy. Organizations that doimplement an effective digital strategy are more likely to improve their customer engagement and satisfaction, successfully drive and promote innovation and growth, and attract and retain top-quality talent.

How will this 4-day training course help me advance in my career?

Organizations today need leaders that can understand the digital challenge, develop a comprehensive agenda for transformation, and lead the charge to change, integrating people, products, and platforms into the firm of the future.

As you explore how to develop a clear roadmap for your organization’s digital strategy in this comprehensive and intensive professional development program, you’ll gain the skills, knowledge, and tools you need to become the leader your organization needs: a successful driver of change, innovation, and transformation.

You’ll return to your organization ready to evaluate the marketplace, recognize your organization’s competitive strengths, and design a unique business approach that addresses all of your strategic priorities in a deliberate, coordinated, and technological way.

What skills or experience is needed before enrolling in this training?

You do not need any specific skills to enroll in this training program; however, it is recommended that you be a mid- to senior-level manager with at least five to seven years of experience.

To succeed in this program, you should bring your natural curiosity, a desire to learn, and a willingness to engage with like-minded professionals

Why Choose Leading Your Organization’s Digital Transformation?

The digital landscape is changing the business world, and organizations that can’t transform risk being left behind. Develop the strategies and tools you need to drive revolutionary and evolutionary change in Leading Your Organization’s Digital Transformation.