Christina Inge

Christina has been in digital infrastructure and outreach for over 18 years. The founder of Thoughtlight, a Boston-based digital media agency serving mission-driven organizations, she works to harness the power of digital media to serve communities, causes, and businesses. She is a highly-rated instructor at the Harvard University Division of Continuing Education, where she won the Fussa Award for Teaching Excellence and is a member of the inaugural group of Inclusive Teaching fellows.
She has also been involved extensively in the Boston startup community as a mentor, event organizer, and advisor to startups. She teaches the marketing class in the MBA and MBA/MD programs at the Heller School for Social Policy and is the founding lead faculty member for the Northeastern University NUMedia digital storytelling lab. Previously, she was Innovator-in-Residence at the Wentworth Institute of Technology Accelerate program. She is the author of the textbook Marketing Analytics: A Comprehensive Guide and Marketing Metrics.
Programs Christina Teaches
AI Marketing Course: Transforming Strategies with Generative AI
Marketing Analytics: Strategies for Driving Business Results