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Artificial Intelligence in Business: Creating Value with Machine Learning

Leverage new technologies to build value for your organization.

All Start Dates

  • Time

    8:30 AM – 4:30 PM ET

  • Length

    2 consecutive days

  • Cost

    Programs fill quickly — free cancellation up to 14 days prior

  • Registration Deadline

    October 27, 2024

  • Time

    8:30 AM – 4:30 PM ET

  • Length

    2 consecutive days

  • Cost

    Programs fill quickly — free cancellation up to 14 days prior

  • Registration Deadline

    March 9, 2025

  • Time

    8:30 AM – 4:30 PM ET

  • Length

    2 consecutive days

  • Cost

    Programs fill quickly — free cancellation up to 14 days prior

  • Registration Deadline

    July 13, 2025

    July Schedule

What You'll Learn

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a catalyst for innovation and value creation across diverse industries, fundamentally transforming the way we work. Organizations equipped to harness the power of AI will not only thrive but also lead the way in redefining their industries. Those who remain unprepared risk obsolescence in this rapidly evolving digital era.

Companies such as Nvidia, Meta, Amazon, American Express, and Bloomberg have made significant strides in AI. Some examples include:

  • Nvidia’s advancements in AI-powered graphics and computing have revolutionized the tech industry, enabling breakthroughs in gaming, data centers, and professional visualization.
  • Meta’s AI-driven algorithms have transformed social media and digital advertising, enhancing user experiences and targeting precision.
  • Amazon leverages AI for personalized shopping experiences, inventory management, and predictive analytics, driving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.
  • American Express utilizes AI for fraud detection and customer service automation, significantly improving financial security and user engagement.
  • Bloomberg employs AI to analyze vast datasets for financial insights and market trends, providing cutting-edge tools for financial professionals.

By leveraging AI and large language models, organizations can significantly boost efficiency and heighten competitiveness across various industries. This not only transforms the competitive landscape but also unveils new growth prospects for businesses that successfully incorporate AI into their operations.

This program is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to navigate and leverage the AI landscape in the global business context. We will explore the implications, applications, and opportunities of cutting-edge emerging technologies in both the public and private sectors. By the end of the program, you will be empowered to discern when and how to adopt new technologies for strategic advantage in your organization.

Note: The program explores AI from a managerial perspective. This is not a technical program; IT and coding expertise are not required.

Program Benefits

  • Identify and capitalize on strategic opportunities for automation and digitization to enhance efficiency and drive innovation
  • Develop the ability to assess the uncertainty, ambiguity, and challenges of artificial intelligence
  • Envision and articulate the transformative potential of AI for your business
  • Transform AI concepts and frameworks into practical applications
  • Develop a robust, actionable agenda for ongoing AI experimentation that is both defensible and strategically focused
  • Earn a Certificate of Completion from the Harvard Division of Continuing Education

Topics Covered

  • AI and Digital Transformation: Understanding the role of AI in driving digital change
  • AI’s Impact on Various Industries: Examining sector-specific applications and case studies
  • Big Data vs. Scattered Data: Strategies for harnessing large datasets effectively
  • Deterministic vs. Probabilistic Technologies: Insights into different AI approaches and their business implications
  • Machine Learning: An overview of supervised and unsupervised learning techniques
  • Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing: Exploring advanced AI methods and their practical uses

Who Should Enroll

If you work closely with technologies and want to understand how AI and machine learning will transform the business environment in the coming years, this program is for you.

This program is designed for professionals directly involved in shaping their organization’s technology and AI strategy. It is particularly beneficial for decision-makers responsible for driving digital transformation and AI adoption across various functional areas such as operations, marketing, product management, human resources, supply chain management, and strategy.

Note: As this is a managerial program, the curriculum focuses on strategic insights rather than technical details.

November Schedule

Day 1

  • Emergence of New Business Models Through Information Economy
  • Deep Dive into the Value Chains

Day 2

  • Main Instruments in the AI Landscape
  • Digital Diagnostics and Value Propositions

March Schedule

Day 1

  • Emergence of New Business Models Through Information Economy
  • Deep Dive into the Value Chains

Day 2

  • Main Instruments in the AI Landscape
  • Digital Diagnostics and Value Propositions

July Schedule

Day 1

  • Emergence of New Business Models Through Information Economy
  • Deep Dive into the Value Chains

Day 2

  • Main Instruments in the AI Landscape
  • Digital Diagnostics and Value Propositions


  • Mark Esposito

    Mark Esposito

    Dr. Mark Esposito is recognized internationally as a top global thought leader in matters relating to The Fourth Industrial Revolution. He is a global expert of the World Economic Forum and advisor to national governments. At Harvard, he serves as a social scientist with affiliations at Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for International Development, Harvard University’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS), and the Davis Center for Eurasian Studies.


  • Mark Esposito

    Mark Esposito

    Dr. Mark Esposito is recognized internationally as a top global thought leader in matters relating to The Fourth Industrial Revolution. He is a global expert of the World Economic Forum and advisor to national governments. At Harvard, he serves as a social scientist with affiliations at Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for International Development, Harvard University’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS), and the Davis Center for Eurasian Studies.


  • Mark Esposito

    Mark Esposito

    Dr. Mark Esposito is recognized internationally as a top global thought leader in matters relating to The Fourth Industrial Revolution. He is a global expert of the World Economic Forum and advisor to national governments. At Harvard, he serves as a social scientist with affiliations at Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for International Development, Harvard University’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS), and the Davis Center for Eurasian Studies.

Certificates of Leadership Excellence

The Certificates of Leadership Excellence (CLE) are designed for leaders with the desire to enhance their business acumen, challenge current thinking, and expand their leadership skills.

This program is one of several CLE qualifying programs. Register today and get started earning your certificate.

Learn More