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Round Table: Cultivating the Executive Mindset

A graphic featuring headshots of our three round table speakers, David A. Shore, Ph.D., Pamela Rucker, MA, and Laurie Pascal, MPH, overlayed over an image of One Brattle Studio, where the event is hosted.

On January 31, 2024, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern time, we celebrated our transition from Harvard Professional Development to Harvard Professional & Executive Development with a thought-provoking round table discussion led by instructors Pamela Rucker, MA, David A. Shore, Ph.D., and Laurie Pascal, MBA.

Watch Our Recording

Our Panelists:

  • Examined the evolving landscape of leadership imperatives, addressing the challenges executives face today. 
  • Discussed valuable insights into skills and capabilities executives should prioritize for personal and organizational success.
  • Explored critical topics such as maintaining a competitive edge in the evolving marketplace, navigating transitions, optimizing talent, and aligning leadership with organizational goals.
  • Answered your pre-submitted questions in our live Q&A session.

Meet Our Round Table:

Pamela Rucker, MA (Event Moderator)

Pamela Rucker, MA, a seasoned professional with over twenty-five years of experience, guides executives in defining and achieving their business goals.

David A. Shore, Ph.D.

David A. Shore, Ph.D. is a leading authority on managing change initiatives, innovation, and strategic planning.

Laurie Pascal, MBA

Laurie Pascal, MBA, with over twenty-five years of industry experience, excels in leadership, team development, and strategic planning.


If you have questions about this event or would like assistance with choosing a Harvard Professional & Executive Development program, email us at

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